Hero image
Bee (Anthophila)

Bee facts

By for BBC Earth
Conservation status
Last updated: 08/07/2024

Last updated: 08/07/2024

  • kingdom: Animalia (Animals)
  • phylum: Arthropoda
  • class: Insecta
  • order: Hymenoptera
  • family: 7
  • species: 20,700+
  • young: Larva, Pupa
  • group: Colony, drift, erst, grist, hive, nest, rabble, stand, swarm
  • predator:

    Birds, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians

  • life span: Queen bees, typically two to three years but even up to five; worker bees, depending on the species, an average of five to six weeks, if they don’t hibernate
  • size: From around 2mm in body length to about 4cm (the size of a small grain of rice to a large grape)
  • weight: On average, a 10th of a gram
  • habitats: Coasts, Deserts, Forests, Freshwater, Grasslands, Ice, Jungles, Mountains, Plains, Subterranean, Urban
  • population: There are large hotspots of bee diversity in the USA, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Australia and some parts of South Africa
  • endangered status: Vulnerable Bee species range from Least Concern to Critically Endangered
*Dependent upon species

**Source WWF

Buzzing bees recorded in 1981. 



Summer, atmosphere: June, hot weather, close buzzing of bees.

Recorded: 1981


Image of a honeybee covered in pollen while visiting a sunflower

In the course of her lifetime, a single worker honey bee will produce approximately 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey.

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