
From the depths of black holes to mysterious alien worlds, journey into the darkest corners of the Universe like never before...

Where to watch

In United States: PBS

The Universe

The Sun: God Star

1. The Sun: God Star

58 mins
Since the first star illuminated the universe, stars have been engines of creation. Professor Brian Cox explores their cosmic origins and reveals how ultimately stars brought life to the Universe.
Since the first star illuminated the universe, stars have been engines of creation. Professor Brian Cox explores their cosmic origins and reveals how ultimately stars brought life to the Universe.
Alien Worlds: The Search for a Second Earth

2. Alien Worlds: The Search for a Second Earth

58 minutes
Thirty years ago, the only planets we knew of were those in our solar system. Today we have discovered thousands more and suspect there are billions waiting to be discovered in our galaxy. Is there a second Earth among them?
Thirty years ago, the only planets we knew of were those in our solar system. Today we have discovered thousands more and suspect there are billions waiting to be discovered in our galaxy. Is there a second Earth among them?
The Milky Way: Island of Light

3. The Milky Way: Island of Light

58 minutes
A remarkable space mission reveals the dramatic history of the Milky Way. Our galaxy has endured a series of collisions as rival galaxies fought for supremacy. And one such era saw our own star, the Sun, emerge from the violence.
A remarkable space mission reveals the dramatic history of the Milky Way. Our galaxy has endured a series of collisions as rival galaxies fought for supremacy. And one such era saw our own star, the Sun, emerge from the violence.
Black Holes: Heart of Darkness

4. Black Holes: Heart of Darkness

58 minutes
Professor Brian Cox explores the dark heart of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy - a monster that can destroy worlds, stop time, and is forcing us to reassess our basic understanding of reality.
Professor Brian Cox explores the dark heart of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy - a monster that can destroy worlds, stop time, and is forcing us to reassess our basic understanding of reality.
glow worms

BBC Earth Podcast

Close your eyes and open your ears

Intimate stories and surprising truths about nature, science and the human experience in a podcast the size of the planet.
